Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Called-No Results Yet

Yep, I broke down and called. All of your comments had my stubborn ass convinced I better call. Guess result yet! Annie told me because of the holiday it can take longer. She is going to ask the embryologist tomorrow about the results. The embryologist was gone today already. So hopefully I have my answer tomorrow. I still feel like the results are in. We shall see...


  1. Yes - I think it is good you called and that way you can at least have a little peace of mind. I am sure they would not be ignoring you even though it totally feels that way! sending positive good vibes your way:)

  2. Glad you called. That was going to be my advice as well. Hopefully they get back to you soon.

  3. Good for you for calling!! I am convinced the embryologist has the results and somehow it hasn't gotten to your chart yet. I'm sure you'll hear tomorrow. OMG, this is torture!

  4. Looking forward to good news tomorrow!

  5. I'm so sorry...I know how hard it is to wait for such important info....torture!!! Hang in there!

  6. I'm glad you called and are going to get an answer one way or another. Waiting for an update today!!! Hang in there.

  7. I'm impatiently waiting for Annie to call!!! What's up Annie!!

  8. Still no results??? This is pure torture!
