Thursday, November 17, 2011

Labs & On Track With Calendar

Another mess up with the labs people yesterday. I thought I have gotten good at this but I guess not. Of course they didn't do a STAT order even though I reminded them about it and even asked what time the results would be done before I left. I got my labs done at 9am, called them at 2pm to check they were done and they said they sent the blood out. The lady on the phone tried to tell me STAT orders does not mean they will be done STAT.  I of course freaked out. I finally tracked it all down and my nurse called and said she still didn't get them. Finally, they arrived to CCRM at 5pm (I am so happy CO is on the same time as AZ now). I will be going directly to the labs that process the blood instead of the location that takes the blood for my next 2 procedures.
Nothing changed with my calendar. My Estradiol was 955, that seems crazy high to me. I probably have a cyst but even when I had them before my Estradiol was never that high. CCRM wants it >50. My nurse didn't seemed too concerned so I guess I will take it. Hope all goes well with the u/s & labs on Nov. 23rd.


  1. Uggg...non-CC.RM labs are so annoying! What part of STAT don't you understand!! Glad it's all on track though.

  2. So frustrating! Thank God it got there finally! My estradiol levels were up the roof too, the nurse said it was fine... :-)

  3. Argh...I hate stuff like that. But alas, it seems to be par for the course! I am so glad you're starting soon. Best of luck with the u/s & labs on the 23rd!!

  4. so weird about the ranges of E2 levels and what's acceptable, but i'll take it!

  5. You are learning fat the little tricks to maintain sanity for STAT ordered. That was one of the hardest parts of this process for me - dealing with health care to get things done. Bettor closer!! And just wait ...the E2 will get even higher.

  6. Ok way too many typos above....perils of typing on iPad. Sorry!

  7. Uhg! I remember having similar problems with getting labs done stat then getting the results to CCRM. Such a pain! Glad the results seem to look good.

  8. Hi Krista - incompetent lab people drive me crazy too! I hope you find a lab that can really do it Stat and take that stress off of you.
    My E2 levels were about that high for my FET too. They were low at first and then they bumped me up to 4 patches and 1 estrace and they went super high. But my nurse was fine with it too.

  9. The E2 levels have to do with how many eggs you have developing and their sizes, so if they aren't concerned at CCRM, I'd say that high E2 levels are good!

    Im so excited for you!!

  10. Wow, that's annoying. 955 does sound crazy high but if they aren't worried--then I wouldn't worry.

  11. Sounds very frustrating... labs are sooo hard to deal with :( Great that your nurse feels your on track (I've never been given my E results, so don't know how to interpret them)... I've always worked on the philosophy - if they're happy then I'm happy :)) FXd for your US and labs xoxo
