Thursday, July 5, 2012

Only 6 To Go

We experienced out first trip to L & D last Thursday afternoon at 33 weeks. I had not been feeling well for about a day and half. I couldn't eat, I was feeling nauseous and I was having very bad back pain. I just thought it was the AZ heat (113 that day) and the fact that I am having a large baby. Thursday morning my back pain got so bad I took Tylenol and it didn't help at all. The sharp pain would come and go and last for a few minutes. I left work early because I couldn't take it anymore. I called my OB and she had me go to the hospital. They hooked me up and I was having contractions. They monitored me for 3 hours and gave me a shot to stop the contractions. They also did the NP test. I haven't heard the results yet assuming I will at my next appointment. The contractions were nothing to be concerned about, my cervix is still closed. Thanks goodness, I can't wait to meet him but I really rather have him stay in there until August.
Since last week I still have been having pretty bad back pain. Not the shooting pain, just steady back pain. I try to regulate it with a heating pad, Tylenol and getting in the pool.  I even bring a pillow to sit with at work. Braxton Hicks are also in full force, they get so strong that I have to lay down. We only have 6 more weeks to go. I have definitely started to count the weeks, I have loved being pregnant until this back pain kicked in. Now, I don't know how I am going to make it another 6 weeks. I keep reminding myself how grateful I am to feel this pain, if this is what it takes then this is what it takes. For the next FET I going to make sure I am not 9 months pregnant in the middle of this AZ summer.


  1. Ugh, sorry to hear about the back pain. My chiropractor helped me a LOT those last couple of months. Maybe try to find one in your area?

  2. I hear your pain/gratitude. I'm sorry about your back. I used to cry at night with foot pain. But it's amazing how different the difficulties of pregnancy are percieved by IVF women. We celebrate every minute.....even the hard ones. He'll be here beforeyou kow it. Do what you have to. Is sick leave an option?

  3. I hope your back pain gets better - six weeks is a long time to go with that. The good news is you're in the home stretch - he'll be here before you know it!

  4. Bummer! I hear you on the discomfort at this point and the heat... it's been hot as hell here too in CO... I'm ready to be done w/ the numb limbs, sausage feet and general discomfort/difficulty breathing/moving. But not ready to have baby quite yet. Thankful to have one in my belly and not TWO! Good luck w/ the home stretch!!

  5. Youch, I hope the back pain gets better and you get more comfortable soon. Just think that every week you last is helping your little guy. Hang in there, you are almost there!
