This time it really is a full 2 weeks possibly 2 weeks and a couple days. I am so nervous for the ultrasound. I am hoping and praying for a nice strong heartbeat. My mind thinks about it all day long. I am probably going to POAS a few times before the u/s sound I can confirm I am still pregnant. My mom and others think I am crazy to be so worried but as we all know just because you are pregnant does not mean you are out of the woods yet. The day I hold our baby will be the day I will stop worrying about this pregnancy.
I know several have mentioned that my beta numbers are really high and there could possibly be twins. Here is my take on my high beta numbers. My opinion has no medical evidence, it's just how I feel. I transferred a 5AA, 6 day embryo, already hatching out of the shell. I just think it implanted without any delay and it just kept on growing. I know for sure we only transferred one. What if we did have a splitter? Well, we would be fine with that. We were not seeking twins in this process but if that happened naturally, we would be fine with that. I personally don't think that happened, I think there is only a less than 5% chance of that happening. I guess we will see next week!
Symptoms so far:
Sore boobs: Yes, they are sore and a lot fuller already. Husband hopes they stay this way. I do too, it's kinda nice.
Bloated: Ugh! I think it's because of the extra hormones (estrogen especially). My pants are already tight in the waist.
Cramping: I typically have AF type cramping, usually when I am walking around. It's not bad, it's actually kinda nice. It gives me hope that this little one is still growing.
Not Tired: I am not tired at all, in fact I wake up around 5am and can't get back to sleep and at night I am not tired at all. I typically go to bed by 10pm, now it's past 11:30pm. I feel like it might be because of the lack of exercise.