Monday, July 11, 2011

Another Cycle?!

Sorry I have been M.I.A for a few days. It was a busy weekend. My sister got married this past Saturday and the entire family was in town. It was great, I drank a lot and I forgot about IVF and all that other stuff that goes along with it until they called and told me this cycle was cancelled again! I don't know what to do?! I talked to me nurse on the phone for a while and she was as frustrated as I was. Especially since we were not going to do BCP's this time around and then we did. I got rid of the cyst on my right ovary and then one showed up on the left. Basically I am getting one every time I ovulate. My nurse told me I need to re-group with Dr. G and figure out a new plan. So I will call CCRM tomorrow to figure this all out. I am beyond disappointed. We were so ready for this, this month. I hope Dr. G has a better plan otherwise I really don't know where we go from here.


  1. OMG, how frustrating!! This is just too much! I hope Dr. G has a good plan B, C, D and 10 more so you don't have to keep waiting, it's getting ridiculous. So sorry.

  2. Right there with you. So sorry you're dealing with this!

  3. I am so sorry! But it sounds like Dr. G will come up with a way to you started with this. Hang in there.

  4. *sigh* F***. I'm so sorry to hear this again... how incredibly frustrating. :(

  5. I just came across your blog and I'm sorry to hear of your cyst troubles. They are so frustrating - I too have had a couple of cycles canceled cycles at CCRM because of cysts. You are in good hands with Dr. G though, he'll come up with a plan for you.

  6. Sounds like you had a fun weekend but how frustrating to hear you need to wait another cycle! Hang in there--keep busy and time will pass quickly! Do you have to get that cyst drained too?:(

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