Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fertilization Report

I can't help but say that  I am beyond sad. Out of the 16 retrieved, 12 were mature. Of that only 4 fertilzed. I can only hope and pray that these 4 can make it to day 5 but I have lost a lot of hope. They still have to go through genetic testing. Not even half fertilzed. My biggest fear after the egg retrival is ending up with nothing. I know it only takes one and but I just had more hope going into this process. I hate infertility and hate what it is doing to my life! I need to search for my hope in these 4 we do have.


  1. The good news is that maybe this is the key to why TTC hasn't been so successful. Praying that you'll get good news on the 4 that fertilized and that with genetic testing and IVF, the MF will be a non-issue and the healthiest, best eggs have survived to become the best embryos and they will be ready for implantation and a long, healthy pregnancy. Hang in there honey.

  2. Ugh. I was so hoping for better news for you. The odds are about 1 out of 4 are good. So, you likely have at least one! Just keep hoping.

  3. Hope you get some better news in the days to come. It only takes 1! I'll be praying for you and your embryos.

  4. Oh no! Did the lab have any explanation? I am so sorry! Hopefully those four will show they are stronger than you think. Lica from IVF Connections had four blasts CCS tested, and all four were chromosomally normal. Hoping for similar results for you!

  5. Im sorry :( I know its hard to feel great about things when you were hoping for more to work with. But keep hoping girl, you never know what can happen :) Crossing my fingers that those 4 are rockstars :)

  6. Oh geez...I can imagine how worried you are but, honestly, numbers aren't everything. You could have had a whole pile fertilize and none could have a) made it to blast or b) come back as CCS normal - that happens. Just as easily, all 4 of yours could make it to blast and all 4 could even come back as normal. I get that you would have been (a lot) more comfortable with a larger number but it's by no means over. Hang in there - praying that these are 4 strong, normal embies!

  7. I am saying prayer for your embabies. Hopefully those 4 are all good and will keep growing and one (or maybe two) continue for 9 months :)

  8. I know it's frustrating and disappointing. I have faith that you are working with the best doctors and lab available, and that the four you have will be strong!

  9. Oh no, so sorry girl, I can imagine how you are feeling, I was expecting more for you too. But still, like others have said here, let's stay positive and hope that a few of them are normals. Hang in there sweetie. For many, all it's needed is one.

  10. If you are out of hope, me and your whole network here have plenty of hope to give. This is not over yet. Saying lots of prayers for you and your husband and wishing for the best.

  11. I can imagine how disappointed you are but as other ladies have pointed out, it is possible that you'll have 1-4 healthy embies that make it to transfer. CCRM does amazing things in their lab. Hang in there.

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